Friday 10 June 2016

Wings and Bubbles

It was a busy week! Holy smokes! We had the kids over on the weekend, and they went out to the farm for a rootin' tootin' gun shootin' morning, and a dirt bike riding afternoon. I had a busy day in the kitchen, making a bunch of casseroles for the freezer, I think the final count was 6 different types, and 2-3 of each. We'll be eating well for a while! During the week we brought the kids to Shane's Dad's for supper, we had the Puddys over for dinner, and then on Thursday we went to a wing night! I think I could sleep for a week. 

So we combined Wing Night with Champagne Thursday this week at Drew and Sarah's. It was a fun evening of catching up, laughing and celebrating the little things. We were laughing a bit at Sarah, she must have had a long day at work because her brain wasn't quite working properly. She couldn't remember certain words, the best being "bottle", she instead said "champagne container". Unfortunately, I also joined in on the mixed up words by the end of the night, explaining that while in Niagara a few weeks ago, we went to the 40 Creek Station, not distillery... oops!

The final counts were a bit low by our standards: Sarah and I had 8 each, Mom had 9, Dad had 19, Shane had 20, and Drew was the winner with 22. With Wing Night being at Drew and Sarah's, Tyson missed the popping of the cork, but fear not, two things happened: first, we brought the cork home to him and second, we brought out Sarah's stuffed plush dog to be in the photo. It was even trying to eat the cork, and there was also a dog biscuit. We are nothing if not thorough. 

June 9, 2016

This week we tried a Niagara region bubbly from the LCBO: Tawse's Spark. On popping the top, we got strong notes of tart apples on the nose. This was amplified when we actually tasted it. At first it was a touch dry, curl your toes sour-tart, it was difficult to taste much else because of that. It had a very dry mouth feel. 

After a few sips and getting used to the dryness, it was actually quite nice. We picked out strong Granny Smith apple flavours, and it had lots of nice bubbles. Almost like a hard cider. It finished with citrus-y notes. It was too dry for mom though, which we kind of expected. It didn't have a whole lot of time in the fridge, so it wasn't super cold, which probably opened up some flavours.

We all (except mom) quite liked it and we would get it again. 

  • Brand: Tawse
  • Grape: Riesling
  • Sweetness: 12g/L
  • Price: $19.95
  • Tasting Notes: Apple forward flavours, finished with a crisp citrus bite. Dad thinks this would pair nicely with toast at breakfast instead of apple juice. Interestingly enough, the Tawse website says it could be paired with fried chicken! :)

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