Tuesday 28 June 2016

Happy Anniversary!

We did it! We made it through our first year! So Happy Anniversary to us! Yesterday marked our first wedding anniversary, and we took the day off to celebrate. We actually had a pretty full weekend of celebrating: on Saturday  we did a mini patio tour, enjoying the sunshine and some lovely beers. One of the best new ones being a Hawaiian one, called Kona. Pineapple-y, tropical deliciousness. On Sunday, we went over to the Puddys' for dinner and drinks (after an afternoon of fishing for the boys, and a Thirty One Bags party for the girls). 

Monday, our actual anniversary was just the two of us. We slept in (or at least, I did), we relaxed, had a big (albeit late) brunch, went for a walk, had a few drinks, looked through our wedding pictures, read the love notes that our wedding guests left us in our 1st anniversary jar, enjoyed the fanciest of fancy pants champagnes (to us as of yet!) back where we had said our I Do's, made a fancy supper (with homemade chimichuri sauce fresh from our garden!!), and watched some TV. A lovely, quiet, reflective day. 

But onto the important part (at least for you). The fanciest of fancy pants champagnes we've had. 

June 27, 2016

Cheers! Thanks to Kate for the fun
new glasses!
When we asked our Champagne Guy what we should get for our anniversary, he immediately went and picked this one for us. He said that the bottle shape isn't typical for champagnes, but what's inside is worth it. And he wasn't wrong.

This is Laurent-Perrier's Cuvée Brut Rosé Champagne. On popping the top, there was a strong, dry, fresh bready smell. In the glass we could see that this one was intensely bubbled, lots and lots of tiny bubbles. It was a beautiful rose gold colour. 

On the first sips, it had a sweet flavour, with a dry finish. The bubbles gave it a very creamy mouth feel, not sharp bubbles like a soda... It had flavours of strawberries, raspberries and tart green apples. 

It was very yummy, and worth the extra money. It was a complex champagne, with layers of sweet and dry and tart and sweet and dry again. A little difficult to explain. 
For the Tyson fix that we all need. Also, damn right
I'm classy enough to drink straight from the bottle. :)

Knowing that we will never get it again is a bit sad. It's not because it wasn't good enough to want to get again, it is more that if we were going to spend that much money on a bottle again, we would choose something new. Also, there are many very excellent bottles for significantly less than this one. If Champagne Thursday has taught us anything, it's that you don't need to spend a lot of money to get a stellar bottle of bubbles. But if you want to, we'd recommend giving this one a shot. It's fabulous. 


  • Brand: Laurent-Perrier
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir
  • Sweetness: 14g/L
  • Price: $99.95 (thank goodness for gift cards!)
  • Tasting Notes: A complex, full bodied, rose gold coloured champagne. Fruit forward flavours with strawberries, tart apples and mellow raspberries. Very yummy. I wouldn't pair this one with anything, just enjoy it on its own. 

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