I have another post in the wings, so this one will be short. Over the weekend, the kids were out, we celebrated Father's Day with the kids taking Shane to the go-karts, and then for ice cream... that may have happened before breakfast. Please don't judge us. Who doesn't want ice cream for breakfast?
My dad joined us for supper (smoked ribs, yum!), and enjoyed watching the boys rip around the yard on the dirt-bikes that he's fixed up for them. It was lovely.
June 23, 2016

Of course we got that one. We're always up for an adventure. Plus it had a neat label.
So we ended up with Cantina di Carpi e Sorbara Sac's Italian Lambrusco (this link is for their 2013, we had the 2014). On popping the top it had a very candy-esque, sweet fruit aroma. We were a bit worried that it would be too sweet.
In the glass it has a stunning, bright red colour. The nose started giving way to drier undertones... waaaaaay down in there. The first couple sips were surprising. Shane actually flinched a bit. He said it was a "big bowl of tart raspberries". It dried out our mouths, which was good for us. You all know we like it dry.
I thought it was more tart cranberries than raspberries, but a tart berry none-the-less. It was very yummy. So much so that Shane thought we should get another bottle.... and then another one. Two, he decided. One to have again soon, and one to save. We haven't actually got the extra bottles yet, but I have no doubt that we will.
So yes, it was delicious. A very successful experiment.
- Brand: Cantina di Carpi e Sorbara
- Type of Grape: Not Noted
- Sweetness: Just says "Dry": so it could be anywhere from 5g/L to around 17g/L, I'd guess it to be around 14g/L, but it's just a guess
- Price: $15.95
- Tasting Notes: Sweet fruit forward scent, dry, tart cranberries and raspberries. Would pair well with something salty, bacon with brunch perhaps?
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