Tuesday 21 June 2016

Tragedy Struck

Apologies, I'm late again, it's been a hectic week and a crazy weekend. The last weekend (the one that belongs with this post - June 11-12) we had dinner with my God Mother, we made a USA run to visit Shane's dad on his birthday, and then that week I had to go to Toronto for a couple days. So a bit of a whirlwind of a week. Thank goodness for Champagne Thursday, and a chance to unwind and relax and just enjoy being at home. 

That being said, tragedy struck our home last week. One of our Champagne Thursday glasses of four years broke. It was devastating. We got it replaced, but the shape of the glass is slightly different... So we're trying to figure out what to do... We may buy two new glasses that we would know are the same, and save the two different ones for back-ups, or if we have friends over for a Thursday... It still hurts my heart, and I think Shane almost cried when it happened... *sigh*

June 16, 2016
See? You can even see the difference
between the glasses in this pic!
Even Tyson is unimpressed...

This week we enjoyed a Tasmanian bubbly:  Josef Chromy's Pepik Sekt. Upon popping the top, it had a strong, dry, bready aroma. In the glass there was an abundance of bubbles, tiny ones. 

The first couple sips were very tart, but with a sweet feel. Don't get me wrong, this was a dry bubbly, but the flavours wanted to be sweet, if that makes sense? We got hints at tart green apples, perhaps pineapple or citrus fruits? There wasn't much on the nose of this one, but there seemed to be a lot of flavour, it was just hard to identify what the flavours were... 

It had a very sour candy-esque feel, where had a sweet, but sour and dry thing going on. It tasted a lot sweeter than it actually was. 

All in all, it was a lovely bubbly. Very yummy and we would definitely get this one again. Plus, it has a very cool label! Not that we pick based on that ever... or is it that we do that all the time? I get confused... :)

  • Brand: Josef Chromy
  • Type of Grape: Riesling
  • Sweetness: 10g/L
  • Price: $22.25
  • Tasting Notes: Bready scent, sweet flavoured dry bubbly, lots of tart apples. Would pair nicely with eggs benny at a brunch.

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