Tuesday 21 February 2017

Wine-Walks and Liquorice Chocolates

So sorry, this is late. We had a pretty amazing, albeit busy, weekend (another story for another blog post though). 

The week itself was pretty low key. We had the kids for Valentine's Day and made pink pancakes, so that was fun. Shane got me flowers, and I got him chocolates... almost. Shane isn't a big chocolate guy, so I had to get a bit creative. I opened the box that I got, careful not to rip the sticker on the back so I could put it back together, dumped all the chocolate out, and replaced them with Liquorice All-Sorts (yuck). He quite liked it. And I thought it was pretty funny. 

We took the pup for a walk on Thursday, and Shane had seen some wine for the walk, in cans! So that was fun. It wasn't too bad either, once you got past the issue of drinking something not-fizzy out of a can, which is a bit odd. It was a simple pinot grigio. Not too much going on, but then again, it was in a can... 

February 16, 2017

This week, the LCBO didn't have anything new that grabbed us, so we went to the sale rack. They still had some of the Henry of Pelham's Cuvée Catharine Brut (non-rosé - you'll remember we had the rosé recently) for $9 off, so we chose that. We've had it before (on New Year's Eve 2015), but with its regular price around the $30 mark, it's one that we consider a splurge. 

On popping the top (and it had quite the pop behind it), it had a bit of a dry, yeasty smell. In the glass, it had a very, very pale straw colour, with lots of bubbles. I found when I stuck my nose deep into the glass, and took a big breath, I got a strange scent coming through. It took me a while to figure it out, but I swear I got hints of mint and chocolate. Shane just said "no" to that... Nice, right? 

It had a nice taste, and thankfully no mint chocolates. Shane said he got "wine", and that it was a bit sour-tart. I found the aftertaste to be a bit crab-appley. It had lots of sharp bubbles. Into glass #2, I started to find it was getting a bit sweeter, with more of an acid bite. It also made us quite burpy... 

When we were mostly finished the bottle, we took a peruse back to the previous notes for this one. We had marked the after-taste as the aftertaste you get from orange juice, when all the orange is gone and it's just acid left. And we completely agreed with that statement again this time. 

Overall, yeah, it was good. Predictable and easy to drink. 


  • Brand: Henry of Pelham
  • Type of Grape: Chardonnay and Pinot Noir
  • Sweetness: 7g/L
  • Price: regularly $29.95, on sale for $21.95
  • Tasting Notes: Yeasty and dry bubbly, with nice acid level and sharp bubbles. Would pair nicely with a creamy chicken soup. 

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