Friday 10 February 2017

A Happy Birth Day Champagne Thursday

Well, that was quite the Superbowl now wasn't it? We actually watched the whole thing (well, Shane may have napped through part of it...), we don't normally last that long. But it's a good thing we did, things certainly turned around for New England in that last quarter. Wow. 

Other than that (and actually including that), our week has been pretty quiet. We have been watching some TV upstairs in the Cuddle and Blanket Nest, and Tyson has been thoroughly enjoying that. Think about it, people paying attention to him, blankets so he doesn't have to self-regulate his temperature, and naps, oh glorious naps. It's Puppy Paradise. 

February 9, 2017

Introducing  the stunningly handsome
Harvey Raymond, y'all can swoon now.
This Thursday was a pretty special one: my sister had her baby! Our beautiful brand new nephew, Harvey Raymond, was born at 5:36pm at 6.2lb. 

Unfortunately, our Champagne Guy didn't hear about the celebration, so he wasn't around to help steer us in the right direction. We ended up with a South African bottle from Krone: their 2015 Krone Rosé Cuvée Brut

On the pop, Shane was "ooooh, it's gonna be a sweet one..." (we had checked before buying, it wasn't supposed to be a sweet one, we're pretty careful about that). I thought it smelled like Swedish berries candies, so right on line with the "sweet" that Shane got. I also thought it smelled a bit like apple cider, like a Strongbow or something. Shane didn't agree. 

The first thing I noticed when I had my first sip was the bubbles, lots and lots of sharp bubbles. Shane didn't like it at first, but started to come around after a couple sips. I didn't mind it right off the bat, but the taste didn't quite match the smell. It wasn't as sweet as it smelled, which was a bit off-putting because you think you know what you're going to get, so it's a bit shocking. But it's good that it wasn't as sweet as it smelled. 

This is our Cuddle and Blanket Nest aka Puppy Paradise
I still thought it tasted like cider, and after a glass, Shane started to agree. Shane even said "it's a lovely sparkling cider". Would we get it again? No. Is that because it was bad? No. It just didn't jump out at us as being a sparkling wine. 

Also, we took issue with them calling it a "rosé"... The only thing rosé about this one was the label. Although maybe it's a rosé because they use Pinot Noir grapes, not necessarily because of the colour? Either way, it's not pink. 

Til next time, 
  • Brand: Krone
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
  • Sweetness: 13g/L
  • Price: $18.95
  • Tasting Notes: Lovely tasting cider, would pair well with a fresh crusty loaf of bread. 

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