Friday 24 February 2017

Babies and Bubbles!

Now that's our kind of baby bottle!
Well last weekend was the Family Day long weekend and we went up to visit my new nephew (and his little posse) - and thus the cause for the late post last week. What a character he is, his mouth was open for just about the entire time we were there, including when he was sleeping. He is just teeny tiny, but with these giant long chicken legs. 

Proud Auntie right there

Also during the trip, in true Jenkins fashion, we stopped at a few breweries along the way. We visited Haliburton Highlands Brewery, Boshkung Brewery, and Sawdust City Brewing Co. We brought home a cooler of delicious brews, which unfortunately didn't make it through the weekend. Oops. 

First patio drink of the year!
The rest of the week was pretty chill. The weather has been getting a bit warmer, in fact, yesterday afternoon it was 15 degrees! So of course, we had top open the patio, at least for a little while! We had a couple ciders outside, while throwing the ball for Tys (and making a muddy mess of his undercarriage from all the running). It was very nice. Very relaxing. Until the sun went behind the clouds (or neighbour's house) and then it got cold and we bailed. 

February 23, 2017

This week, because we wanted to get home to the sunshine, we went to the LCBO near Shane's work, so we were on our own for the selection process. We ended up with Domaine J. Lauren's Blanquette de Limoux, Le Moulin. One of the staff at the LCBO (originally from an Ottawa store) spoke very highly of it though, and guaranteed we would be back for more. 

On popping the top, Shane said it smelled like fruit punch. When I got my glass, I agreed, it did smell exceptionally fruity. I got a sort of tropical or pineapple scent. Shane thought that it smelled quite sweet. I enjoyed it right off the bat as it was fruity like it smelled, but did come across quite sweet. Fragrant tropical fruits came through easily. 
Poor puppy just wanted to get back in the nest

Shane, on the other hand, did not like it. He thinks he maybe still had some of the flavours of our dinner in his mouth (garlic and curry), and so thought that it tasted funky, and not it a good way. He didn't really enjoy it the whole way through, if we're being honest. He did say that it was fruity, but had a stale taste.

Near the end, I was starting to get a bit of a liquor-y after taste in the back of my throat. As far as mouth feel goes, it had lots of soft bubbles creating a very creamy mouth feel. 

So, I guess needless to say, we were divided on this one. I'd recommend trying it, I don't think that Shane would... 

FOREWARNING: Next week's post will be late, or combined with the following week. We will be celebrating in Florida, sans computer. 


  • Brand: Domaine J Laurens
  • Type of Grape: Mauzac and Chardonnay 
  • Sweetness: 5g/L (SHOCKING!)
  • Price: $19.95
  • Tasting Notes: Tropical fruits, soft creamy bubbles. Tastes quite sweet compared to actual sugar content. Would pair well with warm biscuits. 

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