Friday 24 July 2015

Photos of Wedding Bells are Ringing

July 23, 2015

Happy Thursday everyone! Today was a big day for Shane and me! Today we went to see the wedding photos that the amazingly talented Jessica took almost 4 weeks ago! Because it was a surprise wedding, we have been anxiously awaiting these pictures for what felt like forever! In particular all the reaction shots of the crowd after we made our announcement. It was a rainy day though, so we were also excited to see how the pictures of us splashing about with friends and family turned out. 

And of course, they were incredible. It brought us right back to the day of our wedding, there was lots of laughter and reminiscing while looking through the pictures. There were so many different elements captured: The pre-party, the announcement, the reactions, the getting ready, the ceremony, the toast, the speeches, the food!! The Champagne, the SABERING OF THE CHAMPAGNE!! The friends and family, the wedding couple pictures, the dancing, the everything. It was amazing. 

The bubbly helped, as it always does. This week we celebrated with another birthday-wedding gift from Shane's cousin Jordan and his girlfriend, Jillian. It's a lovely prosecco from the Valdobbiadene region in Italy, by Val D'Oca Prosecco DOCG: Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore

We quite like the label on this guy, makes us feel like we're pirates! aRRRRrr. 

Took me 4 tries, and changing the format of the picture, but I finally got this to upload right-side up. Oh my word.

This bubbly had a very fresh nose, nice soft bubbles that weren't too overwhelming. We didn't have it super chilled, just a nice chill (it had been in the fridge, and then we drove to Belleville, so it was out of the fridge for about an hour). I think this really opened it up. The flavour was lovely, fresh and crisp, with some fruity undertones. It was an easy-drinker, great for sharing with a new friends with varying palates. 

Verdict: Quite like it. Would get it again.
P.S.  For those who usually follow along you may have noted that Tyson, sadly, was unable to participate in Champagne Thursday this week.  We did the photo viewing at Jessica's home and I don't think her cat would like Tyson very much (I know it's ridiculous to consider... Tyson is awesome!  Who wouldn't like him???)  However we made sure we saved the cork from the bottle for him, so all is well at home. :)
Even when he's not invited, he still has to wait. Poor puppy.
  • Brand: Val D'Oca, bottled by Cantina Sociale Valdobbiadene
  • Type of Grape: Not specifically listed, but likely the Glera grapes. 
  • Sweetness: 10g/L
  • Price: $15.75
  • Tasting Notes: Light and crisp, tart fruity undertones. Would pair well with friends and shrimp!

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