Friday 10 July 2015

Foggy Morning

July 9, 2015

Another week has came and gone. With it brought us busy days at work, the first day back to the gym in a while (ouch, I'm still sore!!), Shane's kids were over and his daughter's 10th birthday happened (family pool party, spaghetti and cake!), and a relaxing dinner with dear friends. 

Another Champagne Thursday has also came and gone, and I must admit, my head was a little foggy this morning. Probably had more to do with the extra drinks that were consumed on Champagne Thursday than the actual champagne though. 

This week's selection was a lovely traditional cuvee, by Gardet & Cie Champagne. This bottle was a birthday/surprise wedding gift from our friend Kaylie, and I think the ribbon was her addition and not sold that way in stores :)

It was very mild in scent, a little tart smelling. It didn't smell sweet, but it smelled "fresh" and refreshing (not like last week's bready smell, which was nice also). It was very dry (10g/L) which took us by surprise at first. We had just finished a couple cans of a lemonade-beer (also lovely), so I don't think we can use that as a fair base. 

After a few sips the dryness eased off (or we got used to it), and Shane tasted field berries... not the sweet ones, so blackberries he insists, in the aftertaste. I don't taste that, I taste yum. He asked me to swish the air around in my mouth after I'd swallowed, I was looking at him pretending to gargle with an empty mouth. I still don't taste the blackberry jam that he does, but it's entertaining to watch. You'd never guess which of us worked at a winery... Or would you? 

The bubbles in this bottle were nice and small, very refreshing and clean. It was a lovely bottle, and we would definitely get it again. 

Tyson quite liked this one also, and although he wasn't in the above picture, he was never too far away, waiting patiently for his cork. 

He didn't do much with the cork this week, but quite enjoyed his few drops off my fingers when I was feeling generous (which wasn't often as I was enjoying it also). 

I hope everyone has a fantastic day, and if you partook in Champagne Thursday, I hope yours was as enjoyable as ours. 


  • Brand: Gardet & Cie Champagne
  • Type of Wine: Pinot Noir and Meunier
  • Sweetness: 10g/L
  • Price:$41.95
  • Tasting Notes: Dry, clean bubbles, "blackberry jam aftertaste", easy to drink, would pair with most things (mmm, popcorn or nachos!)

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