Sunday 4 September 2016

A Full Week, Bubbles and... Disappointment???

Or from one Champagne Thursday to the next.
Would you believe it's September already? I'm blown away. The summers always tend to fly by, but this one feels like it moved exceptionally fast... Looking at some of the previous blog titles, even without reading the posts again, brings back sunny memories of laughing and friends. BUT! It's not over yet, and I plan to juice every last drop out of this season. 

Not that I don't love the upcoming seasons: pumpkin season through turkey season, sweater weather through red wine nights. There's just something so refreshing about the lazy (hah, yeah right) days of summer. 

It was a quiet week in Morven. The kids were out for the weekend, we went out to my parents' place on Monday, and then out to Shane's dad's on Thursday (pre-Champagne). Now that I write it out like that, it doesn't seem like a quiet week, but it felt like it at the time. We took the dog for a couple long walks too, so that helped us slow things down a bit. 

September 1, 2016

This week we chose our bottle solely on the label and the sugar content. It was a pretty blue label, with a fancy design, and the tag said the sugar content was low, around 7g/L. So we got the bottle of Mercat's NV Brut Nature from Spain (I'm not sure if that's their real website or an affiliate, but it's the best I could find...). 

Wearing my Champagne Thursday uniform, we popped the top on this bottle. It had a bit of a liquory scent, I got notes of sambuca, Shane agreed once it was verbalized. The first sip was very tart. I actually have "Tart AF" written in my book, but despite the topic of the blog, we are keeping it PG, so no swearing :). 

After the tartness subsided, or at least we were getting used to it, we got notes of fruit in the flavour. But not necessarily in a good way... like of like rotten or moldy apples? But it's strange, because we didn't hate this one, not like Beef Stew, but we didn't care for it. 

Nearing the end of the second glass, I asked Shane if he was getting anything else, and he replied "Yup, notes of disappointment." So... yeah... Not exactly sure how else to describe that flavour, but it was definitely in there. 

Needless to say we wouldn't recommend this one, and we won't be getting it again. 

Hopefully next week is better. We don't usually stay in a slump for long. 

  • Brand: Mercat out of Barcelona Spain
  • Grape: Xarel.lo, Macabeo and Parellada
  • Sweetness: 7g/L
  • Price: $21.95
  • Tasting Notes: Notes of apples, and a liquor undertone with a nice acidity. Would pair nicely with a warm, pull-apart garlic bread. 


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