Tuesday 3 May 2016

Offerings to the Gods

So, our dog is quite an interesting character. He's not a dog, he's a person, and he's not a dog-person at that. He's a people-person. In any case, he has some interesting tendencies. The most recent one we have noticed is that he guards our offering to the garbage man gods until the garbage man gods come to collect it. Seriously, he sits on the couch, staring out the window and watches the garbage we have set out for collection. He waits and waits for the garbage man to come. If another car goes by slowly, he'll huff and grumble. When the garbage man comes, he watches him take the offering, and when he leaves he gets off the couch and carries on with his day. He never barks at the garbage man gods, as that would be rude and disrespectful, but he has no problem barking at anyone else who happens to go by. 

April 28, 2016
He's thrilled, I swear. 

This week we had a bottle in our hot little hands, but it was suggested by our Champagne Guy that we try a different bottle. So that's how we ended up on Foss Marai Roös Brut Spumante Rosé. It came highly recommended. 

Let me start though by describing a drink we had earlier in the night to make you aware of how our palates were (or weren't) working. We had picked up a can of Captain Morgan's Spiked Iced Tea and Shane got a very distinct flavour of vanilla... now, I'm not sure, but I don't think that vanilla normally goes in iced tea... Anyways, now you know, we both still had our colds and we're not exactly sure that we were up to snuff... in fact, we're fairly certain we weren't. 

On popping the cork, Shane told me he got a strong scent of chap stick, yup, from the 80s/90s or like the Katie Perry Cherry Chap Stick. I didn't get that, but I don't normally get a scent from the cork popping as he's the one doing the popping. On the first tastes we got a bit of a fruit punch thing going on, it seemed quite sweet at first, but had a tart and dry finish. 

A bit later on, it reminded me of a fruit liquor, a bit boozy, a bit burny, kind of strawberry-esque? It had quite a creamy mouth feel. It had a dry-sweet flavour, kind of like Thorn Berry Fruit Cider. We came to the conclusion that the fruit flavour we were getting must have been cranberries: dry, tart but sweet also. 

The bottle was fun, you can see in the photo that it is textured. There were lots of bubbles and it was a nice colour. 

Overall, it was nice enough. I don't know if we'd get it again though, not because it wasn't good because it was. If we didn't get it again, it would just be because it wasn't good enough. We drink a lot of bubbly, and there is so much out there still to try that it wasn't good enough for a do-over. That being said, we did mention that we had wondered if it would've been better if we weren't so congested... 


  • Brand: Foss Marai
  • Type of Grape: Not noted
  • Sweetness: 10g/L
  • Price: $19.95
  • Tasting Notes: A nice bubbly, high in fruit flavours, sweet start with a tart dry finish. Would pair nicely with white fish and salad. 

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