Friday 21 July 2017

A Wedding Weekend

This week was a wedding edition of Champagne Thursday. We were in Ann Arbor celebrating the nuptials of our dear friends Elaine and Mike! Yahoo! #JenkinsDoA2!

June 8, 2017
Awesome cooler bag courtesy
 of The Puddys!! So amazing!

This week was done dock-side, so there are more pictures and fewer notes... 

We brought a bottle of Hinterland's Borealis down to Ann Arbor to enjoy near the water. Mike, the groom, was able to join us, which was lovely. We met up with Elaine shortly after, and we enjoyed a bottle with her later on. 

We've been lucky enough to enjoy this one on a few occasions, and our luck held this time as well. We popped the top on this one and got notes of berries. It always has a lovely colour, a bright but deep pink colour. It had flavours of tart cranberries and raspberries. I found that it was puckering the back of my cheeks from the tartness. 

We all thoroughly enjoyed this bottle, and will get it again when we get the chance. 

The following pics were from Champagne Thursday Part 2, with Elaine, and the gang. The girls and I (and Elaine's dad!) had just been working on the bouquets, hence the beautiful flowers (that is, errr, flower remnants?). Thanks for staging the pics Kate! Beautiful work!

Yup, those are a couple Piggy beer glasses
we're drinking champagne out of! 
Group photo with our makeshift table!
(l-r: me, Shane, Dave (Elaine's dad), Elaine, Mike and Kate!)

This was the champagne for the wedding toast. 

Reunion photo with my boy :)


  • Brand: Hinterland Wine Company
  • Type of Grape: Gamay Noir
  • Sweetness: Not Noted
  • Price: $23.00
  • Tasting Notes: Bright and fruity flavours, a dry and lingering finish. 

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