Monday 24 July 2017

And Everything Else

Alright, last but not least, all the rest of 'em. There's reviews to get to, so let's do it! 

June 29, 2017

This week, we spied a familiar bottle, one that we saw in Tremblant last year, got it for Round Three of Champagne Thursday there. This year, it was Sieur D'Arques 2015 vintage of Première Bulle. Last year it produced a beautiful picture, this year was a bit more reserved and standard. 

On the ridiculously loud pop, it had a very "creamy" sweet scent, like ice cream, which was a bit strange, but not in a bad way. In the glass it had a lot of tiny sharp bubbles. It had a familiar scent in the glass, which  made us smile: sweet penny candies. Like the teensy Swedish Berries, or the small Big Feet that you used to get at the corner store for a penny (back when pennies were actual money). I also was getting an ever so slight bready scent, Shane was not though. 

The bubbles got a bit creamier in the glass. It had a nice gold colour. This bubbly started out quite sweet, but a nicely tart-dry finish, which was great. We were having trouble identifying the flavours we were getting though. We thought maybe raspberry, but then couldn't decide if it was because it tasted like raspberries or if it was just because of the tart finish being reminiscent of raspberries... 

We liked this one. And would definitely try it again. 

July 1, 2017

Happy 150th Birthday Canada!!! We celebrated this one with an extra special bottle picked up from Vieni Estates a couple weeks prior specifically for this day! Actually, it was crafted by them specifically for this day! It's their Canada 150, a beautiful sparkling red (yippee!! We love love love sparkling reds!). 

On the pop, it smelled like a nice red wine, full of body. It was a gorgeous deep red in the glass, as to be expected. 

On the first couple sips, Shane said that it was very tart, making his cheeks pucker. I thought it was a nice dry red wine, with deep raspberries and cranberries (looking at the bottle after the fact, I impressed myself as it claimed to be currants, raspberries and cherries. Having never had a currant before, I'd equate that to a cranberry.). 

We thought it was a lovely full-bodied red, but felt light in our mouths. Maybe the bubbles helped lighten it up. It tasted slightly oaked, had some tannins running through, and, most importantly, nice light bubbles. After a glass, the raspberries started to come through even more, but less luscious and deep, and more like they've been picked right off the vines. 

Loved it. Glad we picked up two bottles when we were there, so we have some for another time. 

July 6, 2017

This week a gold medal winner in Paris caught our eyes: Charme D'Aliénor's Crémant de Bordeaux. On popping the top, Shane didn't get much coming out, but in the glass I got a very strong pineapple scent (like the sweet, canned, in syrup pineapple). Shane agreed that there were definitely tropical fruits, but wasn't sure if it was specifically pineapple. 

It had a very tart back (right before you swallow and it becomes an after taste). I was still pretty adamant that it was pineapple, but now a bit more sweet-sour. This bubbly had great bubbles, and was very refreshing. A nice and tart flavour that felt like a hot summer day's garden party bubbly. 

After a glass and a half, it was a bit drier than it started, and had a bit less pineapple pulling through, but was still very delicious. We would definitely get this one again. Yum yum. 

July 13, 2017

This week was a busy one, so we didn't get a chance to stop by the LCBO, so we chose something from out little stash at home. We got this one a couple weeks back when we did a small wine tour in the County. This was Broken Stone Winery's Exuberance. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting this winery, and it wasn't just for their extra-cute greeter (yes, it was a dog). The owner was friendly and eager to talk about his wines and family, and all the wines we tasted were fantastic, this sparkling Riesling especially. 

On the pop, Shane didn't get a whole lot of scents coming out of the bottle. In the glass it smelled like a sweet white wine. The first couple sips showed signs of berry candies and tropical fruit. I couldn't ID the fruit so I said pineapple, but Shane didn't agree, even though he also couldn't figure it out.

It had nice bubbles, not as many as some others though, enough to be a nice sparkling but not burn the mouth. We found it got a touch tart (in a good way) throughout the bottle. 

Overall, yes, we quite liked it and would get it again. 

Til next time, keep poppin'!


June 29, 2017

  • Brand: Sieur D'Arques
  • Type of Grape: Not noted
  • Sweetness: 7g/L
  • Price: $18.95
  • Tasting Notes: Very bubbly, fruit candy scents, nice tart finish. Would pair nicely with a dark chocolate ice cream or gelato. 

July 1, 2017

  • Brand: Vieni Estates Winery
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir, Baco and Pinot Meunier
  • Sweetness: Not noted
  • Price: $16.95 at the winery
  • Tasting Notes: Lovely light feeling, full bodied sparkling red, raspberry and cranberry forward flavours, would pair well with a cheese fondue beside a fire. Would probably also make a mean sangria. 
July 6, 2017

  • Brand: Charme D'Aliénor
  • Type of Grape: Semillon and Cabernet Franc
  • Sweetness: 11g/L
  • Price: $16.95
  • Tasting Notes: Refreshingly dry, pineapple and tropical fruit aromas, would pair well with a summer afternoon garden party and friends.

July 13, 2017

  • Brand: Broken Stone Winery
  • Type of Grape: Riesling
  • Sweetness: Not noted
  • Price: $24.95 at the winery
  • Tasting Notes: Lovely tropical flavours, pineapple and berries. Would pair nicely with spicy mango shrimp.

Saturday 22 July 2017

No cork = Sad puppy

These couple weeks saw a cider tour complete with flooded beach, a work party, and a new keg.

June 15, 2017

There wasn't much new at the LCBO this week, so I picked up one that we tried last year when we were in Niagara: Flat Rocks 2010 Riddled
Depressed puppy: no cork. This one was a pop-top.

On popping the top, Shane thought maybe it had gone off. In the glass, I got a dry, tart but bready scent. Shane still thought it smelled off. Thankfully for Shane, the scent didn't match the flavour and he didn't think it tasted off. The first sips were "tart, tart, tart". Maybe with notes of apples? We wrote down cranberries, but crossed it out later.

It was very bubbly, which was lovely. It was very light and refreshing. There wasn't much going on flavour-wise. It was tasty and not boring as such, but fairly one-dimensional. 

June 22, 2017

This week we were downtown and found this bling-y bottle: Fantini's Gran Cuvée Rosé, with a "real diamond" on the label (while there is legit bling on the label, I highly doubt it's real). 

On popping the top, Shane got "ridiculous amounts of fruit punch". It was a beautiful colour in the glass, and was very fruity in flavours. It was nicely dry. 

We both quite liked it, right off the get-go, and the first few sips we both thought tasted familiar, but we never were able to figure it out what was so familiar about it. 

It has a rich fruit aftertaste, not very tart, and lingered for quite a while after swallowing. It reminded me of dried fruit, like maybe raisins? 

Shane said "I like this one: bottle's fun, label's fun, colour's great and it's one that people who don't like dry bubblies could like." It's quite fruit forward and lovely. 


June 15, 2017
  • Brand: Flat Rocks Cellars
  • Type of Grape: 
  • Sweetness: 15g/L
  • Price: $29.95
  • Tasting Notes: Dry bready aroma, tart green apples, slightly one-dimensional. 

June 15, 2017
  • Brand: Fantini
  • Type of Grape: Aglianico del Vulture
  • Sweetness: 13g/L
  • Price: $19.95
  • Tasting Notes: A bright and refreshing rosé, fruit forward flavours with a lingering aftertaste. 

Friday 21 July 2017

A Wedding Weekend

This week was a wedding edition of Champagne Thursday. We were in Ann Arbor celebrating the nuptials of our dear friends Elaine and Mike! Yahoo! #JenkinsDoA2!

June 8, 2017
Awesome cooler bag courtesy
 of The Puddys!! So amazing!

This week was done dock-side, so there are more pictures and fewer notes... 

We brought a bottle of Hinterland's Borealis down to Ann Arbor to enjoy near the water. Mike, the groom, was able to join us, which was lovely. We met up with Elaine shortly after, and we enjoyed a bottle with her later on. 

We've been lucky enough to enjoy this one on a few occasions, and our luck held this time as well. We popped the top on this one and got notes of berries. It always has a lovely colour, a bright but deep pink colour. It had flavours of tart cranberries and raspberries. I found that it was puckering the back of my cheeks from the tartness. 

We all thoroughly enjoyed this bottle, and will get it again when we get the chance. 

The following pics were from Champagne Thursday Part 2, with Elaine, and the gang. The girls and I (and Elaine's dad!) had just been working on the bouquets, hence the beautiful flowers (that is, errr, flower remnants?). Thanks for staging the pics Kate! Beautiful work!

Yup, those are a couple Piggy beer glasses
we're drinking champagne out of! 
Group photo with our makeshift table!
(l-r: me, Shane, Dave (Elaine's dad), Elaine, Mike and Kate!)

This was the champagne for the wedding toast. 

Reunion photo with my boy :)


  • Brand: Hinterland Wine Company
  • Type of Grape: Gamay Noir
  • Sweetness: Not Noted
  • Price: $23.00
  • Tasting Notes: Bright and fruity flavours, a dry and lingering finish. 

2nd Anniversary Bubbly

Along with the theme of today's posts (that's right, multiple), this one is late also. This is our Second Anniversary Post. 

Our 2nd anniversary was a rainy one, which was very fitting as our actual wedding day's weather left a little something to be desired. We took our 2nd year picture for the wall - a few regular ones and then one kind of silly one, which I love. Shane doesn't want the silly one actually being our wall photo though... Bummer. 

We had a lovely steak dinner, with an impressive bottle of wine we found the week before. It had an epic label that matched our wedding logo!! Craziness! I can only imagine if we had found this one two years ago, it would have been ah-mazing (not that it wasn't already, but come on!)!! 

June 27, 2017

So this was obviously not a Thursday, but you can't have an anniversary in our house without bubbly! We didn't go crazy like last year, and kept it at a low price point. We did have a special one though, one that we had picked up from Vieni Estates, one of our favourite wineries. 

The Vieni Momenti Rosé. We have had this before, and quite enjoyed it. This round was no different. On popping the top, Shane said it was very berry forward in scents. Perhaps cherries? Perhaps raspberries? 

In the first couple sips I thought it was a sweet-dry. I said that it was a touch sweeter than we normally enjoy. Shane said that it was yummy (which I agree with) and that it was nice and dry! Not a good start to Year Three if we can't even agree if a bubbly is sweet or dry, yikes!

In either case, it certainly got the saliva going at the back of our mouths. Yum! We finally agreed that it was kind of a sweet-tart candy thing going on, which explained the discrepancy between our sweet vs dry. It was sweet, but had a nice tart-dry finish. It had a nice mouth feel, with soft, slow moving bubbles. Now, I fully understand that's an odd way to describe the bubbles, but I can't think of another way. They weren't sharp and fast, they were kind of lazy and floaty. 

It was a beautiful colour, and we would definitely get this again. Delish. 
Realized we didn't actually
have a pic of the bottle, so
here's the label!


  • Brand: Vieni Estates
  • Type of Grape: Not noted, chances are good it's Vidal and Pinot Grigio, same as their regular Momenti
  • Sweetness: 19g/L
  • Price: $14.95 at the winery, $17.15 at the LCBO
  • Tasting Notes: Delicious, light, berry fruit forward. Lazy bubbles, would pair nicely with brunch!

Thursday 20 July 2017


This set of weeks saw: golfing, gardening, a wine tour (oops), a bachelorette party, and an anniversary of home-ownership! Busy busy, but let's get to it! 

May 18, 2017

This week we picked up a Crémant de Loire by Bouvet. On popping the top, Shane just got a "sweet wine" scent. It was significantly drier than it smelled. 

It had a nice sharp bubbly mouthfeel, and was a sort of sour-tart flavour. Shane thought he got a slight anise after flavour, but I didn't. We weren't picking up on too much on the nose, other than a touch sweet, but it wasn't any particular type of sweet either (like fruity sweet vs. candy sweet). 

We quite liked it, but it didn't really have much going on. Just a sour sparkling wine. 

May 25, 2017

We picked up a bottle of a local winery's bubbly this week: Casa Dea's 2016 Dea's Cuvée. Shane spilled this one on popping the stop, but then it had a green apple scent. In the glass, it was super bubbly, and very pale in colour. 

Shane thought this one tasted like Welches Grape Juice, and I thought that it had a lot of residual sugar in the after-taste. We also thought we might have been getting a bit of an apricot flavour? Shane stated: tart, apples, grape juice as the flavours he was getting. 

We really liked this one, it was quite lovely. One thing we did note at the end was that it was a touch burpy. We also thought it had a very lingering acidic aftertaste, which wasn't so nice, but at the time of drinking, we liked it. 

June 1, 2017

This was the first Champagne Thursday of the Fifth Year in Morven, so we decided this was a medium-special occasion, and splurged for the Kim Crawford 2012 Fizz ($30). 

Upon popping, we were shocked at how bubbly it was, you could hear all the bubbles in the bottle as soon as you popped the cork. Not much scent off the bottle, other than "wine". In the glass, I thought it smelled like stale vitamins, where Shane thought it had a weird sweet-sour taste. It did get a little better into the third glass (but what doesn't?), so first impressions aren't everything... 

We were conflicted on this one. It was a nice enough bottle, I guess, but it wasn't a $30 bottle. We thought it was a nice $15 bottle that we got tricked into paying $30 for. We wouldn't buy it again, but would drink it again if it was served to us. 

That's it for this post, stay tuned, there's still lots in the works! 


May 18, 2017
  • Brand: Bouvet
  • Type of Grape: Chenin Blanc? 
  • Sweetness: 12g/L
  • Price: $18.95
  • Tasting Notes: A nicely tart-sour bubbly, hints at anise. Would pair nicely with a strong caesar salad. 

May 25, 2017
  • Brand: Casa Dea
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
  • Sweetness: Not sure, wasn't as sweet as their 2015 though (which was 28g/L)
  • Price: $18.95 (note: this is for the 2015 bottle)
  • Tasting Notes: Nice bubbles, grape juice flavour, scents of green apples. Would pair nicely with a hot afternoon in the sunshine. 

June 1, 2017
  • Brand: Kim Crawford
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
  • Sweetness: 2g/L
  • Price: $29.95
  • Tasting Notes: Sour mineral taste, was an alright bubbly. Would pair with bbq shrimp.