Friday 17 March 2017

Champagne, Sushi and Pie... Oh My!

Getting our Pi Day on!
Our crazy-busy winter is almost over. We have one last trip this weekend and then we're pretty much free til mid-May. The week has been a full one, the kids were over on the weekend, Monday we went out with the Puddys for dinner (mmm, sushi coma), Tuesday was Pi Day (mmm, pie!), Wednesday was Survivor night at the farm, and then Champagne Thursday! And today is St Paddy's Day! 

Anyways, let's get on with things, shall we? 

March 16, 2017

The selection and variety at the LCBO for the past few weeks has left something to be desired. There doesn't seem to be much new stuff coming in, which is a shame. This week, we chose a bright pink bubbly from Pierre Sparr: Brut Rosé

Now, we've had this one before, seems that all the new vintages are coming out around the same time, but we didn't review our previous notes until after we had done the tasting on the current one. 

On the pop, Shane got a bit of a raspberry scent, which became quite strong in the glass. The first couple sips were shockingly dry. I thought I got a bunch of cranberries on the palate, but mostly just dry and tart. It has a huge raspberry nose though, so it's a little surprising for the first few sips, as it doesn't taste like it smells. 

As it's a crémant, it's got creamy bubbles, but I didn't find there was an over-abundance of bubbles either. The soft bubbles eventually kind of led to a melon flavour for Shane, maybe cantaloupe? I didn't really get that though. I don't think we chilled it enough. 

Near the end, I was getting a bit of a mix of crab apple or more cranberry... Basically a tart fruit that dries out the mouth... And it had a bit of a sour candy-esque feel in there too. 

It was a bit disjointed and confusing... But it was good. It's hard to describe... 

We'd probably get it again. (Note: looking back at our previous notes, it seems like there weren't many differences between this year's and last year's blend.)

  • Brand: Pierre Sparr
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir
  • Sweetness: 16g/L
  • Price: $18.95
  • Tasting Notes: Very berry forward flavours, dry and tart. Would go nicely with a sharp old cheese and grapes. 

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