Friday 14 October 2016

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Well, it was a busy week in beautiful, downtown Morven. The kids had a big football game Friday night, their Friday Night Lights moment against their rivals, and then we hosted Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. We smoked a turkey (yum), did all the fixin's, made pumpkin pies and butter tarts. Shane made an especially yummy stuffing (in the crockpot) by adding a couple honey garlic sausages into the mix. They added a lovely pop of meaty sweetness to the bite. Because really, when you think of a Thanksgiving dinner, you really need extra meat thrown in there. 

Sunday saw a relaxed day, we played hide and seek on the dog with the kids and watched the Green Bay game after they went home. Which brings us to Monday, ahhh, glorious Monday. Since it was a holiday, we took full advantage. I slept in quite late (it had been a late night after all, what with the football game), and then we took Tyson for a glorious walk, about 5km, in the crisp fall weather that we got. Beautiful colours, and just generally nice to be outside. After we got home, we enjoyed a gargantuan leftover Thanksgiving dinner made into a sandwich. Seriously huge. We sat outside with a cold beer, and enjoyed the sunshine. Then we went inside and watched movies for the rest of the day. Like I said, ahhh, glorious Monday. 

The rest of the week was pretty low key, dinner out with the Puddys, and a quick trip to the states to pick up whiskey glasses. Enter Champagne Thursday. 

October 13, 2016

This week we were on our own. Our Champagne Guy was busy with another client, so we were left to our own devices to make our pick. So, we did what we always do when on our own: choose based on label. This week we picked Louis Bouillot's Perle d'Aurore Brut Rosé. We have recently had another bottle from the Louis Bouillot's collection: the Perle D'Or.
Tyson was looking extra regal for his picture

First things first, we put this one in the freezer when we got home (which we normally do) and proceeded to forget about it (which we normally don't do)... so it was very very cold, even had frost on the bottle. Brr. That being said, the first glass still had lots of flavour going on. 

On popping the top we got a sweet yeasty smell, it smelled really nice. The first couple sips, although very cold, had a beautiful tart raspberry flavour. It was nicely dry. I poured some into a wine glass to let it warm up a touch. It also let me really get my nose in there to search for aromas. 

It's very berry forward, and really yummy. We also thought it had a nice crisp bubble. It didn't feel sharp like a prosecco, but not creamy like a typical crémant... Shane said it had a "nice bubble balance", I think that's the technical term for it... We also thought it had a nicely acidic bite, which may have been why the bubbles seemed crisper? 

All through the bottle, it had a nice and fresh scent, not like a bottled up wine smell. Shane thought it tasted like a breakfast cereal with marshmallows, maybe like Lucky Charms. We attributed it to the berry forward flavours presenting as marshmallows, and the sweet, yeasty scent being the cereal pieces. 

In conclusion, we really enjoyed this bottle. It was fruity, dry, tart, and bubbly. Very refreshing. Absolutely would recommend it. 

  • Brand: Louis Bouillot
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Gamay
  • Sweetness: 14g/L
  • Price: $21.95
  • Tasting Notes: Raspberry flavours, sweet and yeasty scent, would pair nicely with a hot and sunny afternoon in a beach chair!

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