Friday 19 August 2016

And now there's a logo!

Have I mentioned lately how amazing my hubby is? Well, he's pretty great. I saw a picture on Pinterest (I'm not going to get into my love-hate relationship with Pinterest) last week, similar to the Thursday image to the left, but with Sunday. I asked if he could make it for "Thursday", and low and behold, we now have a Champagne Thursday logo of our very own, on our team uniforms, and soon to be on a baseball cap for me! I just love it. It's my favourite thing. Ever. Except for Tyson, obviously. 

This has been quite the week. It was Nick's birthday (Shane's middle child... teenager? *shrug* whatever you call them when they get to that age...? Offspring?) over the weekend. My folks came over for Nick's birthday dinner of pulled pork (smoked for 13hrs the day before), and then Shane took him out fishing with Mr Puddy on his boat on Wednesday. They had a marvelous time, and now Nick is convinced we need to get our own boat so they can go fishing all the time. The real problem is, he's not wrong. We do need our own boat. Someday, maybe. 

August 18, 2016
Poor puppy was too tired and too hot to
participate this week... sorry :(

This week we chose a bubbly from France: Louis Bouillot's Perle d'Or Brut Cremant (I couldn't get much out of that link, but there is a tech sheet at this link). Unfortunately, we discovered a bit too late that it wasn't chilled enough. We should have popped it in the freezer for a bit to get it down a bit more. 

Either way, on popping the top we got a bit of a tart-sour smell, with a hint of fruit. The first sip was dry: "involuntarily close one eye and pucker up" kinda dry. It did mellow out, it was just a bit surprising at first. 

It had a fruity essence behind the bready-yeasty smell, but it wasn't prevalent enough for us to accurately pin down which fruit it was we were getting. It had a creamy mouth-feel, so lots of little soft bubbles. The colour was a pale gold. 

Champagne Thursday team
uniforms! Gotta find
something for Tyson!
It was nice and light, we think it would've been even better extra cold... It had nicely acidic balance. It was tart but had a sweet feeling finish. One thing we noted was it did make us both a bit burpy. Not sure if that's got anything to do with the different methods of carbonating or fermenting, but we have noticed some are worse for that than others... 

We would get it again and either get it a day or two early and keep it in the fridge for the extra time, or stick it in the freezer for an hour or so before drinking it. We found with the temperature it was, there was a bit of a liquory undertone. 

Hope you all have a wonderful week, and enjoy the Hip concert on Saturday!


  • Brand: Louis Bouillot
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
  • Sweetness: 6g/L
  • Price: $24.95
  • Tasting Notes: Sour fruity essence, dry bready nose, with a tart but sweet finish. Would pair nicely with a bruschetta toast.

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