Friday 26 August 2016

Tragically Hip, Sushi and Champagne!

Wow, what a week! On Saturday we hosted a Tragically Hip concert viewing party, we had a projector pointed at the shop door, and had a few people over to enjoy it with us. And what a concert it was, they certainly didn't disappoint with their final show. 
This was the part of the Olympic coverage just before 
the concert started

But needless to say, Sunday was rough. For some more than others (I'm looking at you, Cristin), so a lazy, lazy day was had. Naps and movies on the couch with the puppy. If we didn't feel so cruddy, it might have been nice!

During the week we had a quick run up to Burlington, a nice dinner out, and a sushi lunch. Yum! And now we're home again, preparing for the weekend with the kids. Busy busy. 

Puppy isn't happy with us, no cork, beer cap
style bottle... Poor Tyson.
August 25, 2016

This week we finally made it back to our Champagne Guy's store. I think it was the first time this month! Yikes! He suggested getting a local bottle (from Prince Edward County): Lighthall's 2014 Progression. I know we've had this once before, but likely a different vintage, but I couldn't remember anything about it other than the label - it's difficult to forget. 

We were a bit nervous at first. The first couple sniffs smelled a little funky. Shane didn't like it, said it reminded him of fruit that had just gone off. I said it smelled like the sugar from a sour candy, he thought I though it was a nice smell, but I wasn't quite sure. Overall the first impressions were not great... 

When we finally settled in and tasted it, Shane right away said it tasted like grape jelly. I'm quoted as saying "I don't mind it" (firmly planted on the fence) where  Shane jumped in and said "It's tasty!". Once we got a few sips in, we decided that the smell was starting to match the taste, and lost a lot of its funkiness. That was a good thing. 

By the end of the first glass, I was getting a grape sour candy flavour. Shane was getting on board with that description, but instead of the sugared candies that I was thinking, he was thinking the grape flavoured Fizz candies from the 80s and 90s. That might be because of the bubbles? Speaking of which, the bubbles were nice, a very creamy mouth-feel. It was a nice colour, a nice pale straw colour. 

Overall, yes, it was quite nice once we got past the first impressions. BUT, and this is a biggie: if you get this, be careful pouring it. Because of its bottle shape (beer cap style, not corked), it was pouring like shit for Shane. I didn't have too much trouble with it, but be warned. 


  • Brand: Lighthall Vineyards
  • Type of Grape: Vidal
  • Sweetness: 14g/L
  • Price: $20.00
  • Tasting Notes: Nice and light, strong sweet-sour grape candy flavours. Would pair nicely with a bacon sandwich (really, what wouldn't?) because of the sweet and salty contrast.

Friday 19 August 2016

And now there's a logo!

Have I mentioned lately how amazing my hubby is? Well, he's pretty great. I saw a picture on Pinterest (I'm not going to get into my love-hate relationship with Pinterest) last week, similar to the Thursday image to the left, but with Sunday. I asked if he could make it for "Thursday", and low and behold, we now have a Champagne Thursday logo of our very own, on our team uniforms, and soon to be on a baseball cap for me! I just love it. It's my favourite thing. Ever. Except for Tyson, obviously. 

This has been quite the week. It was Nick's birthday (Shane's middle child... teenager? *shrug* whatever you call them when they get to that age...? Offspring?) over the weekend. My folks came over for Nick's birthday dinner of pulled pork (smoked for 13hrs the day before), and then Shane took him out fishing with Mr Puddy on his boat on Wednesday. They had a marvelous time, and now Nick is convinced we need to get our own boat so they can go fishing all the time. The real problem is, he's not wrong. We do need our own boat. Someday, maybe. 

August 18, 2016
Poor puppy was too tired and too hot to
participate this week... sorry :(

This week we chose a bubbly from France: Louis Bouillot's Perle d'Or Brut Cremant (I couldn't get much out of that link, but there is a tech sheet at this link). Unfortunately, we discovered a bit too late that it wasn't chilled enough. We should have popped it in the freezer for a bit to get it down a bit more. 

Either way, on popping the top we got a bit of a tart-sour smell, with a hint of fruit. The first sip was dry: "involuntarily close one eye and pucker up" kinda dry. It did mellow out, it was just a bit surprising at first. 

It had a fruity essence behind the bready-yeasty smell, but it wasn't prevalent enough for us to accurately pin down which fruit it was we were getting. It had a creamy mouth-feel, so lots of little soft bubbles. The colour was a pale gold. 

Champagne Thursday team
uniforms! Gotta find
something for Tyson!
It was nice and light, we think it would've been even better extra cold... It had nicely acidic balance. It was tart but had a sweet feeling finish. One thing we noted was it did make us both a bit burpy. Not sure if that's got anything to do with the different methods of carbonating or fermenting, but we have noticed some are worse for that than others... 

We would get it again and either get it a day or two early and keep it in the fridge for the extra time, or stick it in the freezer for an hour or so before drinking it. We found with the temperature it was, there was a bit of a liquory undertone. 

Hope you all have a wonderful week, and enjoy the Hip concert on Saturday!


  • Brand: Louis Bouillot
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
  • Sweetness: 6g/L
  • Price: $24.95
  • Tasting Notes: Sour fruity essence, dry bready nose, with a tart but sweet finish. Would pair nicely with a bruschetta toast.

Friday 12 August 2016

Home again and back to normal... Finally!

So, after a very busy vacation, we're starting to get back in the groove of things. We went out with the Puddys on their boat on Sunday, which lovely. It was very hot and sunny out and I got a bit of a burn, even though I had sunscreen on. Shane looked pretty red also. We had them back to our place for dinner, wings and nachos, yum!

The week has been pretty low key for us, we took Tyson for a long walk around the "block" (it was about 5km) one evening. He was a happy, pooped, hot puppy after. It was a wonder he didn't trip on his tongue because he was panting so hard. Poor guy, I'm not sure if he will want to come with us ever again. 

August 11, 2016
Welcome back, Tyson!

This week we made a quick stop at the LCBO before heading out to the farm to help mom set up her new phone, so no vintages this week. We picked a rosé from Spain, Codorniu by Aveniu Brands. 

This brightly coloured bubbly had a slightly bready aroma on popping the cork, with strawberry-esque undertones. The first sip was nicely balanced and dry. It didn't pucker up our cheeks or dry out the back of our mouths. 

After it opened up a bit, it had a field berry nose, with some green apples in there. Shane thought it might have had a slightly minerally scent, but I didn't pick up on that. It had very nice bubbles, and they didn't dissipate throughout the course of the bottle, which was great. 

This was a nice, simple bubbly (albeit a bit burpy) for a decent price. 

  • Brand: Aveniu Brands
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir
  • Sweetness: 13g/L
  • Price: $17.10
  • Tasting Notes: Light and fruity, field berry and apple tones. Would pair nicely a spicy grilled chicken and alfredo pasta. 

Thursday 11 August 2016


Vacation was the first word I learned how to spell when I was little. Mom and dad used to sing it to us when we were all loading into the RV (and a lot of the 2 day drive) for our annual trip to the east coast. It impressed my teachers, seemed like such a big word at the time, so many letters. Now it's a big word for other reasons, it has so many different meanings that it must be big. It means family time. It means alone time. It means travel time. It means adventures, walks, hikes, food and drink. It means a journey and a destination. It means fun and laughter and love. How a word with just 8 letters can mean so much is beyond me. I'm just thankful we got one. 

On one of our hikes, we had a visitor!
She was not bashful at all.
Shane and I spent last week up at Mont Tremblant. We were hiking, walking, sipping, eating, and generally enjoying. It was his birthday also, so we enjoyed a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. We enjoyed snacks on the mountain side, snacks by the river (did I mention that we ate a lot?), we did the tree top obstacle course (Shane is afraid of heights, but he rocked it! So proud!), walked quite a bit, wandered a little, and worked our way through the TV series, Entourage (one of Shane's favs, we should have enjoyed the Entourage bottle this week...). 

This is actually a very full post, as we were on vacation and got a little silly... We had some on the mountain, you'll see, it's fun. Then we had some in the evening, a special bottle from Hinterland, and THEN, we decided we weren't done, so we went up to the SAQ in the village and got another bottle... Oh my, so let's get started.

August 1, 2016

This was a spur of the moment decision. We weren't planning on having bubbly on Shane's birthday, but Facebook reminded us of a photo we did a few years ago and then recreated last year, so we thought "what the heck, let's go for it!". So up we walked to the SAQ and we chose this bottle because of the name. There is a ski run at Tremblant that shares the same name, so we thought it was quite fitting. 

On popping the top on C'est La Vie's Petit Bonheur, we thought it smelled fruity and dry. The first couple sips were dry-ish, not too much, but not too bad either. We noticed that there was an underlying fruity tone, but we struggled to identify which fruit it was reminding us of... We ended up giving up that fight, it wasn't happening... maybe peach?

This one isn't a "dry your mouth out" bubbly, but it tastes and smells dry. It would be a good one for someone trying to venture into the drier bubbles. Overall, we liked this one, but we weren't sure why. It's not offensive, but there's also not much going on. It's dry, but not too dry. It's fruity, but not specific. It's got nice bubbles, and a gorgeous colour. It would be better extra cold, ours didn't have much time in the fridge. It was not as good nearing the end of the bottle when it was a bit flat and warm... But most aren't, so we won't hold it against them. 

August 4, 2016: Take 1

We picked up this bubbly on our Niagara tour in May. We went to the winery specifically for this bubbly. We knew we had to bring it on a hike, on Champagne Thursday, up at Tremblant. 

This fun bubbly is from Between The Lines in Niagara on the Lake: a fun little winery that is becoming more main stream because it's producing sparkling wine IN A CAN! So great!

Anyways, the notes on this are a little lacking, because they were taken mountainside on my phone. Also because it was in a can, so the bubbly didn't get a chance to really open up for us. 

We did note right away that it was sweeter than we would normally get. Not fruity sweet, either, just sweet wine sweet. It doesn't have a syrupy mouth feel though, which does help to mask the sweetness. It's got nice bubbles, and (remembering from the winery) a nice golden colour. It's very reminiscent of a moscato style wine. It's nice, it's fun, and we'd get it again for this type of thing, but not for a full on Champagne Thursday. It's a fun novelty bubbly, but a bit sweet for an everyday (or every week) bubbly for us.

Yes, this has a slight filter, but it's a realistic
demonstration of the colour of the wine
August 4, 2016: Take 2

We brought this one specifically for Champagne Thursday. We wanted to have something a little special, and this one is near and dear to our hearts. We have had a couple bubblies from Hinterland before (they're right around the corner from us - sort of - in Prince Edward County). We had their Whitecap for Champagne Thursday Night Football, and their Rosé on Christmas Eve last year. 

This week it was their Borealis. This one is a tart, tart bubbly. Very "suck your cheeks in, dry your tongue out" tart. It has a fruity scent, perhaps strawberries? We put a light filter on the picture, only to make the colour of the wine pop. It was a gorgeous rosé, with lots of little sharp bubbles. Shane felt it important to note though "if you get a bubble in your eye, it stings a lot". Thanks for that. 

It's got a distinct smell, but we weren't quite sure what it was reminding us of. Shane thought roses, a touch floral, and I thought maybe cranberries, very ripe and sweet-tart. Shane wrote down a quote from me: "I'm really liking this!". 

This was the bottle that led to the next, as we were enjoying it so much. So yes, definitely would get this sucker again. Yum yum. 

August 4, 2016: Take 3

Oh my. Yup, so that happened. Our third, and final sparkling wine for the day, was Sieur D'Arques Première Bulle . I'm glad that we did this one though, because it made for a very neat picture. Ahh what a couple glasses of wine will do for our amateur photography skills, right? 

On popping the top on this one, we got a nicely dry, appley smell coming out. The first couple sips were a touch sweet, but that might have been just based on the backdrop that the tart Borealis gave us. It became a lovely light and fruity, but slightly dry bubbly. 

Tyson wasn't able to join us this week,
but we know y'all need your puppy
fix, so here he is, happy with my
parents after being picked up from
At first there was lots of bubbles, and they were nice and big, creating a nice and sharp mouth feel. They mellowed out and tapered off later on, and finished with a smoother, slightly heavier feeling. It is a very fun bottle though, although it had "headache" written all over it (not actually, and not because of the wine, but because of our -at the time- current and future drinking habits of the evening...). We'd probably get it again if we could find it in Ontario. 

Needless to say, August 5th was a bit rough. 


August 1, 2016: Petit Bonheur
  • Brand: C'est La Vie
  • Type of Grape: Syrah
  • Sweetness: 11g/L
  • Price: $15.05
  • Tasting Notes: Fruity, bubbly, a moderately okay rose made better with bubbles. Would go nicely with some popcorn on a hot afternoon. Or made into a slushie!! Why didn't we do that??!

August 4, 2016: Origin
  • Brand: Between the Lines
  • Type of Grape: Vidal
  • Sweetness: 67g/L (no wonder we thought it was sweet! Holy smokes!)
  • Price: $17.95 for 4x 250mL cans
  • Tasting Notes: Sweet, nice flavours, remeniscent of a moscato. Would be great pool or beach (or mountain!) side on a hot sunny day.

August 4, 2016: Hinterland Borealis
  • Brand: Hinterland
  • Type of Grape: Gamay Noir
  • Sweetness: 18g/L (at least, their 2014 was, not sure about the 2015...)
  • Price: $23.00
  • Tasting Notes: Fruity and tart, floral scents mixed with berries. Would be lovely by the fire, or on a hot summer's day. Very versatile. Very delicious. Best paired with another bottle of Borealis *wink*

August 4, 2016: Première Bulle
  • Brand: Sieur D'Arques
  • Type of Grape: Not noted
  • Sweetness: 7.3 g/L
  • Price: $19.30
  • Tasting Notes: Nicely sweet and tart, light and fruity bubbly. Would pair nicely with a dark chocolate dessert - something that's not too sweet, but rich and creamy.