Friday 29 July 2016

Not everything is a competition... Okay, yes it is...

Wow, it felt like a busy week. Although, I suppose it was a bit. We were in Toronto again on the weekend for Beerfest, which was amazing!! We had a fantastic time, and tried a lot of great brews. We also spent some time in the gourmet food tent enjoying some chef demonstrations and eating new things (everything from mini-bison-venison burgers to oysters three different ways - including RAW!!! There's a first time for everything.). 

When we got back, we played a half round of golf on Sunday at the Napanee Golf Course. If you ever get the chance, it is a great little course. It was challenging for us (we're pretty cruddy golfers, or at least, I am), but we definitely recommend getting a cart. It is ALL up hill, and I'm not even sure how that's possible. 

We went fishing with The Puddys on Wednesday. It was ridiculously hot when we left Kingston for the lake, then when we got there, it was super windy and cloudy, then we went through some rain and then it evened out for a lovely night. Lots of fish in the boat, but nothing we ended up taking home.

We also had an appointment at the eye doctor. My first eye exam ever... I'm not a fan. We got our eyes dilated, which sucked. We both felt headachy and nauseated after. It was not fun. Shane needs to get glasses for reading and for distances (but not for all the time... I'm not exactly sure how that works), and I'm perfect (shocked?) and don't need glasses. If we were keeping score (which, of course, we were), I totally beat Shane at the exam. Winner winner chicken dinner! I even won at the dilation, the doctor lady even said "Wow, you're REALLY dilated!". But we both felt crappy for the rest of the night, so we both kind of lost too... 

July 28, 2016
*Take this review with a grain of salt as we were still not 100% from the exam. *

This week we got La Marca Prosecco. In the glass, it was a very pale straw colour. We realized we must have been out of sorts at the store, because we didn't even look at the sugar content until we got home and poured the first glass. It had a very sweet scent, which concerned us a bit. Shane looked it up, and it was a bit sweeter than we normally go for. 

My first sip though had a tart back of the throat pucker up feel. The second sip though was a bit smoother, and a bit sweeter. It had a very creamy mouth feel. 

It smelled really good, sweet and fruity - apples and pineapples. Shane thought it was reminiscent of a semi-dry cider, high in apple content. It left me a bit burpy though... Shane didn't seem to get that way, so who knows. 

Overall, yeah, we quite liked this one, even though it was a bit sweeter than we'd normally choose. I was glad we didn't look at the sugar content until we got home, because we probably wouldn't have ended up with it if we had. It's only about 4-6g/L higher than our usual range, but that would probably have been enough to scare us off. 

Have a great week, we're off for vacation next week, so I may be late posting... 


  • Brand: La Marca
  • Type of Grape: Glera
  • Sweetness: 20g/L
  • Price: $17.95
  • Tasting Notes: Light and fruity, apples with hints of pineapple. Would pair nicely with a creamy brunch, like our Hangover Misery Breakfast Bowl: tater tots, poached egg, cheese, bacon, Holandaise sauce, and hot sauce... oh yum! (*adapted from Wayne Gretzky's Toronto Breakfast Poutine)

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