Monday 11 January 2016

"First" Post of 2016

I've got the "first" in quotes because we all know it's not really the "first" post of 2016... It SHOULD have been the first post, but since I finally got around to finishing the previous post (extra long, I might add), they are both going up in 2016. Oops. I'm afraid my timing is going to get worse before it gets better... Maybe this week's post will be on time, but next week's won't be. Shane and I are going away of a family vacation and so... well, you know the drill. 

Shane and I had a relatively quiet week, really. My parents came over for a planning meeting for the ski week (organizing meals and whatnot) and we used Shane's new meat grinder to make them fresh hamburgers. 

January 7, 2016

This week we picked out a bottle from Chile. Cordillera by Miguel Torres. Shane was a bit secretive with this one when he popped the cork. He said he smelled something right away, but didn't want to influence my take on it. It smelled dry to me, and hints of tart granny smith apples. Turns out, he smelled stale vitamins. Once he said it, I did understand where he got it from, but it didn't ruin it for me (thank goodness!). 

It was a lovely pale straw colour, with great bubbles. It came across as very dry, drier than the Sidonio from a couple weeks ago. It was nice enough. Not much more than wine flavour came through though. It turned out to be quite a burpy bubbly though... 

Shane had a bit of a break through while we were drinking it though. A hilarious one at that. We were watching Prison Break on Netflix, talking about how it's already several years old. He then says "We are watching TV over a thing called the INTERNET!". He was feeling a bit old, I guess, remembering a time when it wouldn't have been possible, making the sound effects from dial up internet (which was quite accurate, btw). I don't think this should be a reflection of the bubbly though... Just his silliness. 

Verdict: Probably wouldn't get this one again. There's better bang for our buck out there. 


  • Brand: Miguel Torres
  • Type of Grape: Pinot Noir
  • Sweetness: 8g/L
  • Price: $21.75
  • Tasting Notes: Smells of minerals, and granny smith apples. Would pair nicely with a rich meal, like a heavy afredo pasta.

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