Tuesday 13 October 2015

Post-Head of the Trent

A lot has happened since my last post. So much so that this is late. Again. Maybe someday I'll learn, but I doubt it. 

Last weekend was my university homecoming, Head of the Trent. Unlike most homecomings, it isn't a football game, but a rowing regatta. But similar to most homecomings, it is usually a drunken fest, followed by more drinking. It was Shane's first time partaking in the shenanigans, but he fit right in. We made a vegetarian chili to have in the crock pot at the hotel for when it was supper time, which was a huge hit. We made it a little atypical in that we roasted squash and sweet potatoes and used cinnamon and nutmeg and harvest-y spices along with the traditional chili flavours. Yum. 

October 8, 2015

This week's Champagne Thursday was celebrated with a bottle from a friend from my university, seems fitting. Jenna got us a bottle of Yellowglen Pink

It was quite nice. It was dry on the nose, and wasn't as pink as some other blush bubblies we have had. It was more a rose gold colour, very pretty. 

The bubbles were great, small and plentiful and soft on the tongue. It has a sweet berry flavour, but it isn't a super sweet sparkling wine. (After note: I looked the sweetness level up after finishing the post for the short notes below and was surprised by the sugar content. It certainly has more than it would lead you to believe. Interesting. It comes across much more dry than it is.)

We noted that it had a pleasing yet unidentifiable scent. Later on we decided that it was like smelling a bag of Swedish Berries, yummy! Overall it was quite nice, nothing over the top, and an easy drinker. 

Verdict, sure, we'd get it again. 


  • Brand: Yellowglen
  • Type of Grape: Variety of different grapes, not mentioned
  • Sweetness: 26g/L (sweeter than I expected)
  • Price: $11.95
  • Tasting Notes: Sweet berry nose, dry on the tongue, nice bubbles, easy to drink. Would pair nicely with salty chips or grilled salmon.

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